Do you have a high-school age adoptee from China interested in travel and exploring their heritage?
This tour allows a Chinese adoptee living in the United States to spend three weeks in Spain with a family who adopted from China. Then, after those three weeks are up, the American adoptee will return the favor and host the Spanish adoptee in the U.S.! Note that you do not need to have adopted from our agency – this tour is open to Chinese adoptees from any agency within the U.S. Our only restriction is that the adoptee must be between the ages of 14-19.
Tour Dates in Spain: July 1 – 22, 2020
Host Dates in U.S.: July 22- August 11, 2020
ACE Program
* Room & Board
* Medical Insurance
* Program Facilitation & Coordination (including the travel to Spain as well as the hosting period)
* 24/7 Support (including the travel to Spain as well as the hosting period)