It probably seems as though you just arrived. As the school year is coming to a close, you need to begin preparing now for
your departure.
You will find that saying “Good-bye For Now” has practical steps as well as emotional ones. Below you will find a checklist that covers most of the practical aspects of preparing for departure. However, many students and host families find it difficult to prepare emotionally. They are surprised when they experience intense feelings of sadness, loss, anxiety, and sometimes anger as the date of departure comes closer. Most people believe that if they don’t talk about the feeling, the feelings will go away. Remember that they won’t. The emotions almost always emerge, one way or another.
If you have young brothers and/or sisters in your host family, it is very important to talk with them about their feelings. Children often form very strong attachments to their international “brother” or “sister.” When they realize that you will be leaving, children may begin to withdraw, misbehave, or push you away to help deal with the “pain” of departure. This may be the first time that a child experiences loss of someone special or “someone leaving” for a long time. Don’t underestimate the powerful feelings of young children. Reassure them that you will always be in their life, just not in the same house. A
special card or gift especially for them will help them say good-bye while still keeping a part of you with them.
As an exchange student in the United States, you enjoyed a “special” status. You were a “special” person in your host family and also at your school. You were “different” from everyone else, and you had to work at “fitting in.” While “fitting in” was sometimes difficult, it was a part of your special experience being an exchange student.
Now you will return home to a “normal” environment. Many exchange students become sad and depressed when they return home because they are no longer “special.” They have this “extraordinary person inside who has had an incredible experience,” but everyone treats them like a “normal” person. Just as you had an adjustment stage to go through when you first arrived in your host family, you will also have an adjustment stage when you return home. It is often called: “Reverse
Culture Shock.”
This year or semester will always be special. Many exchange students describe it as “the best year of my life!” You have learned to open your mind to different cultures and ways of living. You speak English much better now than when you arrived. You have had an experience of a lifetime that will always be a part of who you are.
About Post Author
Exchange Program Coordinator Student Ambassador Exchange | Children of All Nations 248 Addie Roy Road, Ste. A102 | Austin, TX 78746 Tel: (512) 323-9595 ext. 3053